Coal Adventure Development System

All of the Coal programs are Windows® based, and make full use of the Windows and DirectX APIs.

The engine supports the following features:

  • Support for playing files of type .wav, .mid, .avi and .mp3.

  • Display images in 32-bit true colour.

  • Allow transparent and animated sprites with little fuss.

  • A point-and-click interface, with the use of action menus, instead of icons, to provide more versatility in your game design. However, there is support for the classic point-and-click style.

  • Scrolling scenes, topical conversations and fully customisable colour scheme.

  • Choice between compression (for size) or not (for speed)

  • Full support - if the engine malfunctions, we'll fix and update the engine to make sure your games can run the way you write them!

As new versions of Coal are developed, the feature list will expand even more!

To meet developers needs, the builder has:

  • Easy to use navigation

  • A point-and-click Script Editor interface; you choose what you want done and the builder will write the code for you! No programming language to be learnt, and all in proper English.

  • Help file with full tutorial on how to build a game from scratch.



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